Friday, September 30, 2011

A slice of heaven

Last night was 5pm with Lacey.  She is leaving for a trip to Peru soon so I was glad to be able to take her class before she goes.  After the first set of half moon, she went over the form for the backbend with us.  I paid attention and applied everything she said second set and made some major progress.   I was upside down looking at the wall, then the ballet bar, then the floor!  Ahhh, the floor!  Now that was a little slice of heaven.  I came out of the backbend totally yoga stoned and happy.  I was practicing next to my "comfort" friend and we both had great classes.  At the end of savasana we lay next to each other quietly, holding hands.  Another slice of heaven.  Yoga friends are the best!


  1. I do love yoga too and bikram bring a lots of benefits to me like alleviate stress and trasform both body and mind through heated yoga classes. People of all ages and abilities can learn to master the 26 poses of Bikram yoga from Bikram Yoga.

  2. Yay to seeing the floor I can only pray that happens to me one day! x x

  3. Yoga makes me feel so alive everyday. Many thanks to yoga. :)
