Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bonus Post: Remember when she called Jenny....

Well with all of the flurry of MISSING Bikram yoga for what feels like FOREVER due to my appendix surgery, you might be wondering "Hmm.  She had just started back on Jenny Craig, what happened there?"
Here is what happened.  Two days post surgery I went for my week 2 weigh in.  My daughter came with me so she could carry out my food (she's such a good girl!) and I had lost 4 pounds.  Today was the week 3 weigh in.  Even with 11 days of no yoga, alot of laying around watching TV and reading while I was out of work recovering, and some guilty days of soup and saltines (comfort food) for dinner, I lost another pound.
Week 3:  Down 5 total so far.  WOOO HOOOO!!!
Like I said, never give up on yourself.  Even if life throws you a very sizeable monkey wrench.  I'm keepin' my eye focused on the prize:  good health.  Sure I'll also look great in jeans, but really, after seeing pictures of my internal organs in the surgeon's office and after feeling so damn vulnerable on that ER gurney I really want to end my 30's with the smiling confidence of a woman who takes care of herself so that she may better take care of the ones around her that she loves.  In the end, that's all that really matters.  


  1. And each day is marked progress toward your goal.

    Pats on the back, hugs from Boston, many namastes...

  2. Jeeeeeenny don't change your number, 867-5309....?? I just can't help myself.

    You are awesome. And if I ever see "guilty" and "soup and saltines" in the same sentence again I'm gonna drive up to Vegas and twack you upside the head. You just had surgery!! That sounds like a perfect post-surgery meal if i ever heard one!! *exit soapbox*

    Just had to mess with you on that one, but I KNOW you've got your head together. When you've got "healthy" as your top priority and "looking great in jeans" as a happy side effect, I can't really worry about you at all. ;-)

  3. Hannah~ Thanks for the hugs...could always use those!

    Dancing J~ oh vey, I think I have a song headache now! LOL. Here's to good health!

  4. Jenny rocks! Valerie Betrtenlli just came out with her book - in case you need some couch reading! It looks pretty good for even those of us not with Jenny. Good luck!

  5. BC~ I will check out that book! I have 30 lbs to lose and need to keep up my steam, so the extra encouragement might help! Thanks!
