Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63: Namaste, Namaste

Today was 5pm up at Summerlin with Frank. Instead of boring you with more "I feel so strong right now, this is awesome!" stuff, because we all know how fast this can and will change for me....I'm going to share a video with you.
I'm not sure if the authors of the video did this tongue in cheek, or if it was malicious, and it doesn't really matter in my opinion. I personally thought it was hilarious and played it a couple of times so I could quote it.
Hopefully you will find it funny too!


  1. It's awesome that you feel strong right now! I saw this video on another blog and didn't watch, but I'm so glad I watched it this time! Too funny. Namastenamaste!

  2. It IS funny. "I have been doing yoga since before I was born... I would like to do inversions but don't know what they are." Yeah, there's some poking fun, but I love it anyway.

  3. I like the mudhra at the end.

  4. Yay for strong classes! Even though strong classes come and go, there's nothing wrong with being super-excited about the ones that go fabulously!
    That video is hilarious; thanks for sharing!

  5. No malicious intent whatsoever! I am a yoga teacher and I teach a variety of styles and can't get enough of the stuff. I enjoy a good Bikram style class, I practice Ashtanga regularly, I love Yin yoga, and I love the community of friends that have developed through it all. There are some charlatans in our business though and lots of spiritual materialism to avoid. Though rooted in fun, the videos are intended to point out things to contemplate and perhaps avoid. Just completed the sequel so look for that. FYI, these were not intended as a critical view of the Bikram style - I happen to like that sequence very much.
