Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How do you google me?

This is the equivalent of "elevator music while on hold". I owe a Graduation, Christmas Party and Mei's first class post. Mei is teaching tonight at 5. I'll get my act together soon, I swear! I've been a busy bee these past few days! In the meantime, here is a draft I've been working on for a little while. My hit counter tells me how people find me. Direct hit? Cool. Google search? Well, what key words did they type to find me? Here they are. Enjoy.

Of course these:
“bikram 30 day challenge blog”
“bikram 60 day challenge blog”

“Bikram yoga death”- Yup, sometimes it feels like that
“Bikram Yoga Deaths”- I haven’t seen anybody croak during class yet!
“Doing bikram while tired”- Oh so many classes while I was tired! That is the norm during a challenge
“Bikram yoga body”- It’s good when your bikram yoga body shows up for you in practice!!
“To Feel Depleted”- is not fun.
“Bikram yoga makes me happy”- me too!
“Bikram Yoga Chick”- yay! A return visitor!!!
“Bikram teacher training blog las vegas 2009”- oops sorry, didn’t mean to get your hopes up!
“Five days break from Bikram Yoga”- really? I wouldn’t like that.
“couples bikram yoga”- sounds interesting. I’m game, hey guys, any volunteers??
“bikram yoga for a great body”- that’s what I’m hoping!
“elbows hurt bikram yoga”- ya, my left elbow was hurting for a long time. better now though!
“bikram yoga emotional”- that is for sure me! I’ve written some pretty crazy emotional posts.
“yogic crying”- Crying! There’s no crying in yoga!!
“I have an ear infection can I start bikram yoga”- wow, you’re anxious!
“numb arms in yoga”- ya, it’s that damn locust posture!
“craig villiani”- this one I get a lot….this dude is popular!
“yoga fill in the blank”- Huh?
“warning of exhausted batteries”- clearly you were not looking for a yoga blog, surprised you clicked through anyway!
“bikram yoga teachers training sex”- wow! Get me to training, stat!
“50 thousand pound challenge”- whaaat?


  1. Wow, these are funny. 50 thousand pound challenge?!!

  2. “bikram yoga teachers training sex”- wow! Get me to training, stat! LOL! I neeeeded to smile today. Remember that day you had last week? Yeah, that's me now. Have a great day!

  3. nice ~ esp. the batteries ~ i get a lot of interesting ones too ~ one pissed me off because their search was "hate lakers"!! the lakers and bikram yoga are two of the biggest parts of my life!

  4. Greg~ perhaps that one would make sense if I had been talking about the biggest loser in a bunch of posts....or something like that....
    Traci~ Glad you got a smile out of it! Elevator music can be annoying. I hope the rest of your day continues to send things your way to lift you up! **hugs**
    ~m- Well at least they didn't start leaving nasty anonymous comments! :)

  5. Ohhh, yes. Google searches provide endless blog post fodder, in my opinion. I get crazy ones. Meaning, I should start keeping a list, too! I bet this was kind of a fun exercise to go through all of these!

  6. Hannah~ Just start pasting them into a doc as the good ones come in. It was fun! I would love to read yours! :)
    AHappyYogi~ :)
    ....And look, I got my first "spam" comment!

  7. Bikramyogachick, these are so amusing! I especially like "warning of exhausted batteries." Hmmm... I can see where the exhausted part might come from, but can't imagine what batteries have to do with a Bikram practice! Google made a pretty unrelated connection there! :)

  8. Iz~ I swear i never once wrote a post that included any devices that would need batteries....or did I? LOL
