Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 4: Another blogger IRL , a one week pass and a frozen shoulder

Well. Today was quite interesting! I went up to Dray's new studio again and purchased a one week pass. I took the 530 and Dray himself was teaching. Another blogger, Greg met me up there. I have now met TWO bloggers in real life. They don't disappoint. I had a blast with Mei and Greg was an absolute sweetheart in real life. Greg I know you're reading so don't blush please....I'm about to talk about what an awesome yogi you are. For those of you not familiar with his blog, he is new to Bikram yoga. He started 94 days ago and has done 98 classes in that timeframe. (Sidenote: He appears to be as insane as I am when it comes to frequency) I was impressed at his "maturity" for a new yogi. He doesn't fidget. He is very disciplined. He's quiet, focused and very obviously paying attention to the dialog as he seems to be a stickler for form. If he continues at this pace, he's going to be amazing.
So back to class. Dray was amazing, as usual. It's been so long since I've had his class. It's almost hard to describe Dray. Actually, let me take that back. His style can be described quite simply actually. He is pure energy and love. If you ever come to Las Vegas, you must seek him out and take his class. His studio is new and he's still trying to work the heat situation out. Like Greg, I am a bit manic about the heat. I love it. The hotter the better. Have I had classes where it's too hot. Sure. But it's all about how I felt that day. Come back the next day to that cranked up crazy heat and I barely notice. So the room was a little bit warmer than the class I took the day he opened, but still not quite up to the norm. He'll get it there though.
I was excited to take Dray's class, excited to practice in the front row next to Greg and felt pretty good going in. Until half moon. My right shoulder had deep deep pain. It felt, well, frozen. It continued to bother me the entire class, progressively getting worse. I did the best I could, but at some points found myself unconsciously rubbing it between sets of postures. I think I did something to it during the extremely evil "downward evil dog-stupid plank-wtf is chataranga-upward dog" series in Moksha. It just highlights for me the need to back off a bit the next time I take Moksha and try to learn proper form. In the meantime, I'm going to spend the next week up at Dray's studio, soaking in energy and love.....


  1. Hmm... Yes, my shoulders (and palms!!) always get really sore after a Baptiste class.

    I attribute this to the fact that in Bikram, we don't do any poses where we bear weight with our upper bodies. So, I think all those downward dogs and up dogs, etc., really test and challenge different muscles in our backs and shoulders. I'm so sorry you're achy!! Hopefully, some more time in that hot room will soothe those sore shoulders.

  2. J~ Oh, just wait til spring! I'm going to be bringing you all over the place! You're going to have to stay with me for a few days before training.
    Hannah~ I'm fully convinced that the evil plank dog series (as I will now coin it) must be something my body really needs.
    Greg~ you're welcome!

  3. Awww looks like you and Greg had so much fun! Too cool. I'm with ya on the heat girl. I need it hot in the studio! Happy weekend!

  4. Tracik~ you too! I get to go take rajasharees class at the hilton tomorrow at 11. I'm pumped!

  5. I am not familiar with Moksha Yoga ( sound like the Japanese ice cream, Moshi :). Is it perform in a hot room with a high levels of humidity? I took a Power Vinyasa class a couple of days ago(just to shake things up a little bit) and ended up with sore shoulders. Probably from holding the plank position for too long :( A little bit of soreness it's not bad (=sweet discomfort), pain is something else. Hope you feel better

  6. cirita~ it is heated still (100 degress) and I still sweat like a maniac! I think next time I go I will talk to the teacher before hand and find out what I'm doing wrong in evil downdog plank series. You're right, soreness=good, pain=bad. :)

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