Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bonus Post: Jenny Week One

Yes, this is a yoga challenge blog.  But I just want to share how I did my first week on Jenny Craig.  First of all, working full time and doing yoga everyday does not leave much time for cooking, so having everything ready and prepared aside from salads and veggies was amazingly convenient.  Secondly, I would have thought that following this structured meal plan every day would make me feel like I had no control over things.  Quite the contrary.  I am feeling very empowered by the food plan.  I finally feel like something that has been haunting and plaguing me for over ten years is now something I can handle and change in a positive way.  A few times I was starving and would look at my little dinner and think, "no way, I'm too hungry, this is not enough".  But it always was. 
I lost 3 and 1/2 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. Dude I am also a Jenny Craig fan and am starting my first 60 day challenge today (i am a little late since it was supposed to start oct 1 but I figure I will just do some doubles to make up for the lost time. Please email me and let me know if you have any advice about doing your first challenge, doubling up on sessions, etc!! Wish me luck!
