Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 11: Euphoria

Today was 5:30 p.m with Oksana. The class was not very hot (in fact not hot enough, but after yesterdays sweatbox from hell, I am NOT complaining!), the dialog was smooth and I was surrounded by my yoga buddies: Reggi, Kim and Shelley. We had a little triangle going and literally shared energy with each other. It went by super fast and really was a 90 minute moving meditation for me, like it should be. Although I can never completely turn off the chatter of my mind, it was less persistent today.
I feel mentally and emotionally terrific right now. Balanced, calm, peaceful. It's like a sense of .....euphoria and I didn't have to go stand on the street corner and buy any illegal substances to make it happen! Physically I am starting to feel a tiny bit achy in the hamstrings, but nothing that hinders me at all. Day 11 finds me doing quite well!

1 comment:

  1. like a sense of .....euphoria and I didn't have to go stand on the street corner and buy an illegal substances to make it happen!

    LOL! I can SO relate to this... and to the non-stop brain chatter, and to how awesome it is to finally feel balanced, calm and peaceful.

    Keep it up. You're going to be a new woman once you're done. :)
