Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 28: There's something about Anastashia

1130 with Anastashia.  Another very strong class.  Perfect temperature and I just surfed on through the class on my breath, strong as an ox.  Thinking back over the past couple of weeks, it seems like I consistently have great practices when she teaches.
Today I made progress on two postures.  First was eagle.  I am able to hook my pinky toe around my calf on  both sides now.  Its a struggle but I'm excited because getting the "wrap" on the legs seems more realistic now that my foot is actually starting to go in the correct direction.  And I've been keeping my hands in prayer second set.
Standing head to knee I kicked out both first and second set (couldn't stay kicked out the whole first set, so just folded my leg back down w/out falling out and kept the locked knee the whole minute on the standing leg).  Also, on second set, I was really kicking my heel toward the mirror, getting the stretch in the Achilles tendon, pulling my toes toward me, with a very solid grip.  My stomach was sucked in and my weight was a little forward on the standing leg, I felt very solid.  So I went ahead and bent my elbows down and they went down farther than ever before without me losing any of the solidness of my posture.  It was incredible.  I didn't feel like myself for a moment when I came out of it.  Sometimes it's hard for me to grasp how far I've come because I can remember so clearly where I started.  There was a lady behind me today that was exactly like me when I started.  Having a hard time getting her foot in her hand, etc.  My heart went out to her.  So today, there was "me" of almost two years ago, right behind "me" of today.  It was an alarming and beautiful contrast.

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